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Why Do I Have an Irregular Cycle

Why do I have an irregular cycle? Learn about the many potential causes

Why do I have an irregular cycle? Learn about the many potential causesPredicting your periods is important, not only so you can be prepared with a tampon in your purse, but also so you can pinpoint any potential problems. If you’re trying to conceive, a normal menstrual cycle will play an important role, since timing sex around ovulation is the key to getting pregnant. If you’re wondering, why do I have an irregular cycle?, we can help.

If you’re not sure if you have a normal menstrual cycle, there are a few important things to know. In each menstrual cycle, a woman will normally ovulate a single egg, and this should happen around the same day in her cycle. Day 14 after the start of your period is typically considered prime time for ovulation, but if your cycles are irregular, or are longer or shorter, you may ovulate on a different cycle day.

A “normal” menstrual cycle can be anywhere from 24 to 38 days long, counted from the start of your period. It can be perfectly normal to be at either extreme of that range, but if the length of time varies between periods, it could indicate a problem.

You may have irregular menstrual cycles if you notice that sometimes you only have a couple of weeks between periods, yet other times, you have three or four weeks, or maybe even go months without a period. Sometimes, you may have heavy or very long periods, while in other cycles, it’s much lighter. You may also experience breakthrough bleeding, which means you have intermittent spotting or bleeding that’s not a full period.

Figuring out if you have a normal menstrual cycle

If you suspect that you are not having a normal menstrual cycle or may have ovulatory dysfunction, it’s a good idea to start tracking what’s happening with your body. On your calendar, write down the days your period starts and ends, how many pads or tampons you need each day, any sensations of pain or discomfort you feel, any changes in vaginal discharge, and any mid-cycle bleeding.

If you’re trying to conceive, also note when you have intercourse, as well as the results of any ovulation predictor kits, pregnancy tests or basal body temperatures you take along the way.

Over a few months, you should be able to tell how many days you normally have between periods, and whether your cycles are regular. This will also be valuable information to bring with you when you visit our San Antonio fertility specialists.

Why do I have an irregular cycle?

If you’re worried about the answer to the question, why do I have an irregular cycle?, know that there can be many different causes for menstrual cycle irregularities.

  • Hormone shifts
  • PCOS, or polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Lifestyle factors, such as excessive exercise, smoking or malnutrition
  • Dramatic weight gain or loss
  • Stress
  • Approaching menopause
  • Breastfeeding
  • Birth control pills or other hormone-based forms of contraception

The good news is, fertility issues that cause irregular cycles can typically be effectively treated by our San Antonio fertility specialists. It’s especially important to seek out help if you have been trying to conceive without success. Often, the key to getting pregnant is finding the right treatment to help you attain a normal menstrual cycle, so that you can predict ovulation more accurately.

If you’re asking yourself, why do I have an irregular cycle?, we are here to get you back on track. Contact us to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced San Antonio fertility specialists.

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